nora marie,
it's taken me awhile to get this written partly because i am in denial that you're growing up! also partly because being a working mom, it's hard to keep it all going! our days are so busy and fun that we just crash at the end of the night!
well, here we are... your birthday! you look forward to this day ALL year and start talking about your next birthday just a few days later. you are so proud that you learned to hold up three fingers and tell me (and everyone you meet) that you are three (or "free!" as you say it)
you just continue to amaze us as you get older. you are so incredibly smart, curious, in a constant state of wonder, sassy & determined. whatever you have your mind set to, you will accomplish in some way shape or form. there is nothing holding you back (except me. mostly me.). your dad and i are constantly in awe of the things you say you will do and then accomplish. sometimes it's difficult to see your point or view because you are still working on remembering to use your words when you get frustrated. but i know this is developmental and since you have such a strong vocabulary i know you'll get there soon!
your favorite things to do are puzzles, play with your doctor kid, play in your kitchen, read books, ride your bike, draw with chalk, make forts or "caves" as you call them.
you love your bunny & blankies something fierce. 99.9% of time time you love your sister and are always (mostly) looking out for her. some of it is coming from the bossy-big-sister and some if it is coming from love :)
you love to go to the park and try all the things the big kids can do. determined little girl you are :)
you hate getting your face washed, the vacuum, going to bed & being told no.
interview with nora: 8/27/06
how old are you: three years old (with the fingers)
what is your favorite food? noodles (i can say "noodles" now!)
...favorite toy? blocks and squares & triangles (magnaformers)
...favorite color? pink
...favorite animal? flamingos!
...favorite book? flora and the flamingo
what do you want to be when you grow up? a flamingo
what do you like to do for fun? play and go to my friends house and to go target with mommy
some of the funny things you say:
"i totally love you. i absolutely love you." ~ july 3, 2016
"totally, yeah" ~ june 2016
"well probably we can just go to the park." (with your hand up and a diva-look on your face) ~ summer 2016
"oh no, evy! i am super nora and i'm here to save you!"
there are so many more but if i don't write them down, then i don't remember!
at your 3 year well visit you weighed 30lbs and are 37" tall. you got a flu shot and HATED it! to say getting shots is not your thing would be quite the understatement :)
we had your grandparents & uncles and a few friends over to celebrate your birthday, and shockingly, you chose a flamingo theme birthday party.
in the morning we went to the rainforest cafe for lunch and then came home and got ready to "flamingle" :)
nora, your dad and i love you so very much. we are so proud of you and all that you have learned in this short life so far.
mama & daddy
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