Wednesday, June 29, 2016

our weekend

nora & evelyn,
our summer is flying by.  i can't believe it's the last week of june already and 4th of july is just around the corner!  we're making use of every single minute of the summer and keeping busy while still finding time to relax and enjoy our time together.

this weekend we...

dined alfresco (the usual for warm sunny evenings!)

played at the park...

went to ikea...

lots of bike rides and walks...

and of course, played in the sprinkler.  some good old fashioned fun!

maybe next year, evs... for now, you're just as content watching nora play! 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

evelyn's baptism

evelyn jane,
the other weekend we had you baptized at our church.  uncle kyle and aunt brandy are your godparents and were there to help us welcome you into our church and christian family.  
our closest friends and family were here to celebrate with us.

aunt brandy, josh & clive came to stay for the weekend and we had plenty of fun before your big day!  clive, nora & evy had a blast swimming, eating & playing together! we love seeing aunt brandy and her fam whenever we can, although it's never enough! :)

(be prepared for photo overload... i just couldn't pick my favorites!)
swimming with baby clive 
miss attitude  
my bestie and my baby 
evelyn and her godparents
with gigi and grandpa
real life... holding down the two year old and evy's face!

with grandma and papa
my baby :)

aunt jocelyn & aunt brandy 

gigi & evy
i love these girls and our crazy crew of 5 under 3!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

first week of summer

nora & evelyn,
our first week of summer is in the books! i had to work two extra weeks this summer, so we got a little bit later of a start.  we've been busy though, soaking up every minute of summer! here's what we've been up to...

eating mango slices  
park dates
watching big sissy play

making smoothies in your kitchen

nora's first day of camp! 

lunch dates with mom & dad

watching movies & taking little naps on rainy days

celebrating our 4th anniversary with a date night downtown!

grocery shopping 

picnics in the park

and of course, ice cream! 
splash pad fun with dad 

happy 9 months, evy girl!

dear evy girl,
happy 9 months to you!! it is crazy to think you are already 9 months old! you are such a sweet, cuddly, happy baby! i am soaking up every moment of you being a baby because i know it changes so quickly.
well, let's see what's been going on this month!

for the most part, you are pretty good at sleeping through the night.  occasionally you'll wake up and whine for a bit, then fall back asleep.  sometimes i'll go in and nurse you.  you go down about 7:30, sometimes later now that it's summer and wake up around 5:30 to eat and then back down until 7:30/8.  still taking two naps a day.

i nurse you in the mornings and then you have bottles during the day.   you are eating mostly everything we eat now and really prefer feeding yourself versus purees.  your favorite foods as of now are avocado, broccoli & cheese bites, pancakes, bananas, cheerios,  blueberries & applesauce.  you are not so sure about cooked zucchini although you gobble it up when pureed.  so we'll work on that...

all good news to report!  occasional spit up here and there.  no colds.  no fevers.  thank goodness!
your eyes are still kinda blue, but a much darker blue than nora's.  your hair is turning pretty blonde too, although it will look strawberry blonde in some light.  you have thigh rolls and i just love them to pieces!

- crawling ALL over the place!
- starting to pull up and do plank-like moves
- waving!
- talking a ton!  grandma thinks that you say "na-na" for nora, but i am still keeping my ears open for that one
- TEETH!! two of them now! woah, that was a long time comin'
- you went to the pool for the first time! you love the water but do NOT like getting splashed!
- you were baptized the other weekend.  what a sweet day we had for you :)
- first trip to the beach
- first visit at mommy's school

- nora.  really, she is your favorite person (next to me, of course!) you are constantly looking for her and smile like crazy whenever you see her! you will sit next to her in the costco shopping cart and just laugh and laugh at whatever she's doing... until you pull her hair! she'll say, "evy you need to keep your hands to yourself! it's not nice to pull my hair! remember, grandma told us to be nice!"
- toys: lamby paci, shoes, & tupperware containers.  why do we buy you any nice toys?!

you are always just so content doing just about anything.  you are still the most easy going, happy baby--until you're hungry, then you'll let out a REALLY loud screech until there's food in your mouth!  you go with the flow and are so patient with your sister.  if she takes toys away from you, you just go find another toy.  i hope you learn to stand up to her soon though :) you are always smiling and love taking in your surroundings, wherever we may be.  i love watching you watch the world go by.
we just finished our first week of summer and i just cannot wait to spend the next few weeks with you and your sister! your daddy and i love you so very much and are trying to soak in the last few months of your baby-ness.  i know it goes by so fast and i don't want to miss a thing!

oh, she can do no wrong in your eyes!
when big sister's away, i shall play! 

it's all fun and games until someone's hair gets pulled... 

our best helper :)
sweet sister moment... actually sharing :) 
the hair!!! :)